Sunday, October 4, 2009


Today is the one week marker! So excited. And so annoyed with The Candyman. I know the feeling is totally mutual! This weekend has been just a comedy of stress and errors and snafus, with just a hint a of wonderful.

Saturday, we had to take The Candyman's truck into the shop again because The Evil Possessed Mobile continues to act up, even after the shop gave it a thumbs up from the once over it got after being stolen. All day Saturday we waited for a call from the damn shop after dropping it off at eight-freakin'-thirty in the morning. We called twice only to find out that it was some chain something of some sort and they weren't sure if they had the part. I really do not get that. Do you know your inventory, or not? WTF? And since the next day is Sunday and this is Tennessee, no one works. So no car on Monday. No car on Monday means a big pain in the ass for The Thirty-Something Bride and The Candyman ONE WEEK before their wedding.

We decided to not mess with hauling each other back and forth to work because:
A. I can't handle the stress of being car-less.
B. We work on polar opposite ends of Nashville.
C. I have way too many lunch-time errands to run this week to be without auto.
So, we went to the airport and rented a damn car. Why? Becuase this is Tennessee and the city branches were all closed because it's Sunday. I swear, the shop better have The Evil Possessed Mobile ready to go by open of business Wednesday or they are going to have to deal with one pissed off bride. NOT a place I'd want to be, if I were them. I'm telling you Nashville Nissan, forewarned is forearmed. Prepare yourselves.

On Friday though, I met with Miss SE and Miss-Kriss as they both volunteered to be the baby-sitters extraordinaire at my wedding! How cool is that?!? I met Miss SE at the Unabridged Bride thingy a few months back. I gave Miss-Kriss the ultimate pinky-swear challenge to meet up with me at the gym and we've been working out together sporadically. Both are the most incredibly together young women I've met in a long time (next to my adored Alecia, that is). They just got it going on, y'know? I so wish I was as cool and smart as they are when I was that age. I was just an idiot-tool. I suppose I still am. Just an older, idiot-tool. At any rate, it was fun. I drank about half a glass too much red wine, but walked it off with Miss SE at Banana Republic where we found the most TO DIE FOR jewels. I'd post a pic, but they don't have the pieces on-line. Just trust me when I tell you they were so uber-fabulous, I started rethinking my whole jewelry set-up. *Le Sigh*

After the whole Saturday drop off of The Evil Possessed Mobile, The Candyman and I had a great breakfast out and then headed back home to get the bulk of the final Wedding Chores done. However, by the time I got home, I was not feeling so hot. I spent the better part of the afternoon in bed while The Candyman picked up the chapel keys from our church lady, Miss Margaret. He informed me that our cozy little chapel has a fresh coat of paint on the doors and new shutters. He said it looks fabulous. How awesome is that? I need to do a drive-by!

After a salad and a nap, I started feeling a little better and started to freak about getting the last of the chores done. I messed up the place cards and had to totally re-enter them. At least the error was not one that had been printed. I had gotten the table settings arranged when I had kind of figured out who was coming and who wasn't and I just had to tweak it ever so slightly. It was still a pain in the ass. If you have over 100 people coming to your wedding - good luck. I can't imagine doing that with more people than what I have.

We had picked up the last of the little gifts we want to share with friends and family on the way home from breakfast. We got those wrapped. All of our payment envelopes are filled with payments and ready to be handed over. My day of wedding accessories are all put together in one spot. Our timeline is done. All that can be done is done. Aaaaaaahhhhh......

The wonderful bits I will share with you tomorrow....I need some sleep. I will give you a hint though. One is shrug-a-licious and the other is well, one of the sweetest gifts I can imagine getting.


  1. Yay! How exciting - in more ways that one :P Good luck this week!

  2. So excited for you! I bet you cannot wait! Can't wait to see the shrug!

  3. The Flower Girl has begun the countdown. As have I . . .


  4. Good luck! I have always counted my blessings about living in cities with good public transportation.

    Are you still baking cookies or did you give up on that? I wished I hadn't done that and the stupid hardest favor boxes to assemble in the world.

  5. So so so exciting...I wish you al the best!
